♦ Passion ♦ Persuasion ♦ Persistence
I love achieving the impossible career dreams and mentoring others to achieve their career dreams. Propelled by passion, the power of persuasion, and unfaltering persistence I achieve my career dreams, using my Right Fit Method. When I was an employee, positions were created for me or I was the first to hold a brand new position. As an entrepreneur, I strategize to forge ahead and expand my company's services to set new standards of excellence.
What about YOU?
It's the end of 2011. Ask yourself: What have I accomplished? If you are totally satisfied with your accomplishments, that's terrific. If not, read on. Select the sentence below that describes you:
1. I am not sure what my next career step should be.
2. I know where I want to go but do not know how to get there.
3. I cannot arrange interviews.
4. I can arrange interviews, but I am unable to get the job that I want.
5. I started a business but I am having difficulty finding the right clients.
Select the Right Fit Solutions for YOU
•Arrange a time to speak with Dr. Arlene in December to get yourself ready to confidently take charge in 2012. Call 310-443-4277.
•Register for the January Live Teleseminar How to Become the Flawless Fit!
Hit the ground running in January 2012! Here's how. Participate in my Live Teleseminar How to Become the Flawless Fit! I have received requests from all over the country to make my Los Angeles in-person seminar available to everyone. That’s why I will do the Live Teleseminar twice in January. | |