Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Boost Your Brand: Boadroom Seminars for Executive Leaders

On the WIN Without Competing! show Dr. Arlene introduces Boardroom Seminars for Executive Leaders.
The three seminars are:
  1. Corporate Entrepreneurship for Executive Leaders
  2. Solo Entrepreneurship for CEOs
  3. Solutions for Executive Leaders in Limbo
Dr. Arlene says:
"Plan ahead, invest in yourself to boost your brand and put the professional pieces in place for 2015. If you are ready to embrace a unique mindset and branding strategy toolbox to achieve unparalleled success, you must listen to this radio show and read Dr. Arlene's September 17th newsletter in which your seminar invitation to Boardroom Seminars for Executive Leaders awaits." Questions? Call Dr. Arlene at (310) 443-4277.

Listen Here!

Read Here!

 About Dr. Arlene

Dr. Arlene Barro, behavioral educational psychologist, author of WIN Without Competing! (nominated for a business book award) and the 5-star app & cow video iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire, is a UCLA-trained PhD with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Dr. Arlene, Branding & Hiring Expert, is a Business Consultant and Master Career Coach, Professional Motivational Speaker represented by AEI Speakers Bureau, Radio Talk Show Host of the WIN Without Competing! show, and CEO of barro global search, inc.

Dr. Arlene, business and career strategist, consults with clients coast-to-coast.

Dr. Arlene Barro
(310) 443-4277 (dir)