Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Is Your Fear of Failure Imprisoning You?

Speak Up!  Stop hiding behind the veil of email. Stop making the assumption that email must be your primary source of communication.  Millions of people have declined in the art of verbal communication. I think that they fear failure because they expect rejection.  Your Response:  Hide behind the veil of email.

When I conduct a retained executive search,  I can quickly assess those that are avoiding telephone conversations.  If I call a potential candidate without scheduling the call, they are awkward and uncomfortable.  When I introduce myself I hear, "Ok." Where is the dynamic personality that my clients are searching for?  I cannot present candidates who are unaccustomed to speaking.

Employers want to hire the Right Fit Brand.  They do not ask me if my candidate can write and respond to email.  They want stellar verbal communications skills.  If you are an email junky, stop cold turkey.  Make that your number one New Year's Resolution for 2018.

If you need my help to change your behavior, call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 to schedule a time to speak. Note:  I am not suggesting email! 

Can you make the call to me which could change the trajectory of your personal and professional life? I know you can. Will you?

Listen to Are Denial & Delay Deflating Your Business or Career Brand? or to listen on your phone use Google FM for all my shows.

Let's Learn Now!

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Listen to Branding Your Talent Dr. Arlene's Way or to listen on your phone use Google FM for all my shows.

More Opportunities Below:

Corporate Office Address: 
barro global search, inc.
10940 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1600
Los Angeles CA, 90024

Dr. Arlene & barro global:

After holding high-level healthcare executive positions and making significant innovative contributions with global impact, Dr. Arlene entered the world of executive search and tested her Right Fit Method. She was setting the stage to become an entrepreneur.

In 2003, Dr. Arlene, creator of the Right Fit Method and Right Fit Branding Strategies, founded barro global search, inc. a retained executive search firm, to design innovative search solutions for corporate clients. After her book WIN Without Competing! was published, Dr. Arlene expanded the services of the firm, which now has three divisions.

Behavioral educational psychologist, Dr. Arlene, holds a Masters & a PhD with distinction from UCLA for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Innovation, Contribution, and Impact characterize her career.
See the book

Use the 5-Star App iBrandU4Hire

Listen to more than 100+ radio shows on iTunes

Contemplate Career Coaching

Consider Business Consulting

barro global search, inc.
WIN Without Competing!
Dr. Barro

 About Dr. Arlene

Dr. Arlene Barro, behavioral educational psychologist, author of WIN Without Competing! (nominated for a business book award) and the 5-star app & cow video iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire, is a UCLA-trained PhD with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Dr. Arlene, Branding & Hiring Expert, is a Business Consultant and Master Career Coach, Professional Motivational Speaker represented by AEI Speakers Bureau, Radio Talk Show Host of the WIN Without Competing! show, and CEO of barro global search, inc., a Retained Executive Search firm, who grows companies with Right Fit Placements. 

Dr. Arlene, business and career strategist, consults with clients coast-to-coast and places candidates globally.

Dr. Arlene Barro
(310) 443-4277 (dir)

Monday, December 4, 2017

Ignite Your Brand to WIN 2018!

Make Yourself Memorable! Dr. Arlene’s Ignite Your Brand to WIN 2018 program is designed for employees and entrepreneurs.

Carefully crafting an individual’s or company’s brand is mandatory. But that is not enough. You must articulate that brand in all communications, not just in social media. Moreover, your personality needs to be memorable.

When I hear a person’s voice on the telephone, I can quickly tell whether that person is the Right Fit for a search that I am currently conducting. The art of conversation for many no longer exists. Do not allow that to happen to you. If you want to ignite your brand, and you are talking with those who are interested in hiring you or your services, speak up and sell that brand. No one else can do that for you!

 Unsure about what your brand is and how to pitch it in all your communications?

Unsure about what the focus of the conversation should be:  Process (what you do) or Outcome (what you achieve)?

 Unsure about how to become a memorable conversationalist?

Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 to Ignite Your Brand to WIN in 2018. You can WIN Without Competing! with the Right Fit Brand, the Right Fit Communications and especially the Right Fit Conversations. Make yourself memorable!

Listen to Are Denial & Delay Deflating Your Business or Career Brand? or to listen on your phone use Google FM for all my shows.

Let's Learn Now!

New Yelp Pages! Click below
Listen to Branding Your Talent Dr. Arlene's Way or to listen on your phone use Google FM for all my shows.

More Opportunities Below:

Corporate Office Address: 
barro global search, inc.
10940 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1600
Los Angeles CA, 90024

Dr. Arlene & barro global:

After holding high-level healthcare executive positions and making significant innovative contributions with global impact, Dr. Arlene entered the world of executive search and tested her Right Fit Method. She was setting the stage to become an entrepreneur.

In 2003, Dr. Arlene, creator of the Right Fit Method and Right Fit Branding Strategies, founded barro global search, inc. a retained executive search firm, to design innovative search solutions for corporate clients. After her book WIN Without Competing! was published, Dr. Arlene expanded the services of the firm, which now has three divisions.

Behavioral educational psychologist, Dr. Arlene, holds a Masters & a PhD with distinction from UCLA for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Innovation, Contribution, and Impact characterize her career.
See the book

Use the 5-Star App iBrandU4Hire

Listen to more than 100+ radio shows on iTunes

Contemplate Career Coaching

Consider Business Consulting

barro global search, inc.
WIN Without Competing!
Dr. Barro

 About Dr. Arlene

Dr. Arlene Barro, behavioral educational psychologist, author of WIN Without Competing! (nominated for a business book award) and the 5-star app & cow video iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire, is a UCLA-trained PhD with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Dr. Arlene, Branding & Hiring Expert, is a Business Consultant and Master Career Coach, Professional Motivational Speaker represented by AEI Speakers Bureau, Radio Talk Show Host of the WIN Without Competing! show, and CEO of barro global search, inc., a Retained Executive Search firm, who grows companies with Right Fit Placements. 

Dr. Arlene, business and career strategist, consults with clients coast-to-coast and places candidates globally.

Dr. Arlene Barro
(310) 443-4277 (dir)

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Should We Accept Fraud on LinkedIn? Dr. Arlene Investigates!

LinkedIn is an outstanding resource for professional networking, but I am concerned about the reliability & validity of the information in the profile. Appearance & reality are not always one in the same. 

I’ve identified the following issues:


  •  Unemployed individuals on their profile present the last position as current when it is not.
Excuses: “I have tried to edit the profile & cannot.” “I will have more recruiters &   employers contact me, if I am employed.”

Solution: Unemployed individuals should present themselves accurately to invite assistance in their job search.


  • Employed individuals present themselves as  consultants on their profile, when they hold full-time positions, some are in high-level management. 
Excuses: “I am always looking.” “I want to pick up consulting work, even though I am making a high salary in the event I could be downsized.”

Solution: Be honest! Your deception can be discovered.

  • Unemployed or Employed?
The profile is a hodgepodge of fraudulent information, which includes company names that are not real companies.

Excuses: More unconvincing lies when confronted directly & they quickly work to cover their tracks.

Solution: Remove yourself from LinkedIn.

What should LinkedIn do?
Remove the con artists from LinkedIn & clearly state the requirements to maintain an accurate profile. Create a system to verify, at a bare minimum, the individual’s current position.

If LinkedIn wants to be a trusted professional networking site who sets the standard, they need to make changes now to set the stage for 2018. Otherwise, their credibility could be in jeopardy.

What do you think?

Listen to Are Denial & Delay Deflating Your Business or Career Brand? or to listen on your phone use Google FM for all my shows.

Let's Learn Now!

New Yelp Pages! Click below
Listen to Branding Your Talent Dr. Arlene's Way or to listen on your phone use Google FM for all my shows.

More Opportunities Below:

Corporate Office Address: 
barro global search, inc.
10940 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1600
Los Angeles CA, 90024

Dr. Arlene & barro global:

After holding high-level healthcare executive positions and making significant innovative contributions with global impact, Dr. Arlene entered the world of executive search and tested her Right Fit Method. She was setting the stage to become an entrepreneur.

In 2003, Dr. Arlene, creator of the Right Fit Method and Right Fit Branding Strategies, founded barro global search, inc. a retained executive search firm, to design innovative search solutions for corporate clients. After her book WIN Without Competing! was published, Dr. Arlene expanded the services of the firm, which now has three divisions.

Behavioral educational psychologist, Dr. Arlene, holds a Masters & a PhD with distinction from UCLA for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Innovation, Contribution, and Impact characterize her career.
See the book

Use the 5-Star App iBrandU4Hire

Listen to more than 100+ radio shows on iTunes

Contemplate Career Coaching

Consider Business Consulting

barro global search, inc.
WIN Without Competing!
Dr. Barro

 About Dr. Arlene

Dr. Arlene Barro, behavioral educational psychologist, author of WIN Without Competing! (nominated for a business book award) and the 5-star app & cow video iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire, is a UCLA-trained PhD with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Dr. Arlene, Branding & Hiring Expert, is a Business Consultant and Master Career Coach, Professional Motivational Speaker represented by AEI Speakers Bureau, Radio Talk Show Host of the WIN Without Competing! show, and CEO of barro global search, inc., a Retained Executive Search firm, who grows companies with Right Fit Placements. 

Dr. Arlene, business and career strategist, consults with clients coast-to-coast and places candidates globally.

Dr. Arlene Barro
(310) 443-4277 (dir)