How Will the Election Season Impact Your Career?
Traditionally, the last quarter of the year and especially in December, employers are very busy making hiring, firing, and promoting decisions. This year, the results of the presidential election could have a significant impact on employer behavior.
Accelerate Your
I am concerned that many
and hearing rumors of your company merging, downsizing, or closing? Do
not wait to find out whether the rumors are true. Begin your job search
right now! Remember, YOU can always turn down an offer!
a promotion? Take charge and actively pursue that promotion
immediately. If you are told that the promotion will not become
effective for several months, determine if the employer is purposely
delaying for some unexplained reason which may or may not be related to
the election.
do not know what the impact of the election could have on your career.
What I do know is that employers react strongly to changes or potential
changes which they believe will have a positive or negative impact on
their bottom line. I do not want you to become an unfortunate victim.
Does it work?
If you know that your resume has not been an effective ad in capturing a new position, I suggest that you email the resume to me. I will review the first 10 resumes that I receive and give you feedback. I must receive your resume no later than
Friday, June 29th at 6PM PT.
A Conversation with Dr. Arlene
a 45-minute or 60-minute conversation with Dr. Arlene to discuss
her business or job search strategies including Create and Implement the Right Fit Blueprint, Interview without Resume or Introduction and to master the mindset of Manage the Process and the Pick, Probe, and Pitch broadcast. And of course, you must Master the Number ONE Blockbuster Business and Career Strategy for 2012!
Are YOU walking down the Wrong Road or No Road expecting something new to happen? Let's discover the Right Road together.
To arrange your conversation, call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277. You will receive her book WIN Without Competing!: Career Success the Right Fit Way. The appointment must be arranged on or before July 6th and take place before July 20th.