Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Mentoring the Millennial Workforce to Prevent Burnout

By 2025, 75 percent of millennials will comprise the workforce, according to Alan Kohill in Forbes. Who are the millennials? They were born between 1981 and 2000.

The future in which millennials will dominate the workforce presents challenges for them and us. Burnout is a serious issue. Millennial women burnout at work by age 30.

How do millennials view work?

Krish Chopra in Forbes reports that 43 percent of millennials envision leaving their jobs within two years, preferably 20 months. The rationale for this time frame is unclear. Impatience? Kohill sheds light on their view of work-life balance. Millennials are not necessarily focused on money. They want a flexible work environment which makes them feel happy. Growth opportunities interest them.

What is the reality?

Visualize a pressure cooker! Work environments in for-profit corporate America are usually described as high stress. To move up in 20 months or less for many is not possible. Given that millennials work long hours, eager to proceed “up” and then “out", burnout is common with accompanying health problems.

It is not surprising that ophthalmologists see patients in their early twenties or younger who have cataracts in their eyes. When I discussed the matter with ophthalmologists, they pointed to the millennial lifestyle and diet as the cause. If Millennials have cataracts, a condition which is prevalent in the older population, they are increasing their risk of premature aging due to other health issues, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart problems.

Having worked with a significant number of millennials, I have observed that in many situations they are focused on their own beliefs. Consequently, they miss opportunities to learn. Millennials need to be mentored on how to succeed in the workforce.  Otherwise, burnout will increase resulting in chronic diseases, for some. Ultimately, premature death could be the long-term outcome.

The employed millennials, who are experiencing work-related health issues, should seek counseling immediately. Those who are having difficulties at work or cannot find the Right Fit job, or unclear about what they want, should not delay seeking counseling. Delay ignites further delay, which could lead to depression.

Take action now to prepare for 2019! Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 or email drbarro@barroglobal. com to introduce yourself. Individual phone consultations or in person meetings; small group seminars are available to help you stay healthy and successful.

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barro global search, inc.
10940 Wilshire Blvd Suite 16

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Dr. Arlene & barro global:

After holding high-level healthcare executive positions and making significant innovative contributions with global impact, Dr. Arlene entered the world of executive search and tested her Right Fit Method. She was setting the stage to become an entrepreneur.

In 2003, Dr. Arlene, creator of the Right Fit Method and Right Fit Branding Strategies, founded barro global search, inc. a retained executive search firm, to design innovative search solutions for corporate clients. After her book WIN Without Competing! was published, Dr. Arlene expanded the services of the firm, which now has three divisions.

Behavioral educational psychologist, Dr. Arlene, holds a Masters & a PhD with distinction from UCLA for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Innovation, Contribution, and Impact characterize her career.
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 About Dr. Arlene

Dr. Arlene Barro, behavioral educational psychologist, author of WIN Without Competing! (nominated for a business book award) and the 5-star app & cow video iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire, is a UCLA-trained PhD with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Dr. Arlene, Branding & Hiring Expert, is a Business Consultant and Master Career Coach, Professional Motivational Speaker represented by AEI Speakers Bureau, Radio Talk Show Host of the WIN Without Competing! show, and CEO of barro global search, inc., a Retained Executive Search firm, who grows companies with Right Fit Placements. 

Dr. Arlene, business and career strategist, consults with clients coast-to-coast and places candidates globally.

Dr. Arlene Barro
(310) 443-4277 (dir)

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