Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Born a Brand: Dr. Arlene meets Alexandre Renoir

Born a Brand:
Dr. Arlene meets Alexandre Renoir
I love to watch the building of name brands. I first met Alexandre Renoir, the great grandson of Pierre-Auguste Renoir, more than a year ago at a Beverly Hills art gallery on Rodeo Drive. This was a big night for Alex. A grand opening -- his paintings were on display in a gallery with a global presence. The guests surrounded Alex, who was dressed in a short-sleeve Hawaiian style brightly-colored flowered shirt. 

On Saturday, October 12th, I met Alex again at the same gallery. I immediately told him how wonderful he looked. He had dropped between 30 or 40 pounds and was stylishly dressed in a suit. I saw a transformation both in how he looked and how he painted. The prices on the paintings had escalated dramatically, reflecting the caliber of his recent work. 

As a child, Alex hated the fact that he had a famous last name. He grew up surrounded with constant reminders of “the Renoir”, including a bookcase which contained 500 books about his great grandfather. Instead of using his brand name to his advantage, he wanted to escape from it. Six years ago, after having many jobs, Alex decided to devote himself to painting. Alexandre Renoir is 38 years old. Finally, he separated himself from his great grandfather and found his own brand. 
It’s rare to be born with a brand name, especially a mega brand name like Renoir. But, you must have a brand, not necessarily a name brand.
To succeed in capturing a job, you need a distinct, intriguing, and recognizable brand.
Keeping that job? Branding!
Promoting you to ____? Branding!
It’s all in the branding. The time to brand is now. 

Create a Recognizable Brand
Sell that Brand and Succeed
To arrange a time to speak with Dr. Arlene, call her office at 310-443-4277.
The last quarter of the year is the hiring and firing season and a great opportunity for a promotion. 
Clients' Praise for Dr. Arlene
Dr. Arlene Barro is a breath of fresh air in today’s tumultuous job market.  Dr. Barro should have her own nationally broadcasted program: 'Dr. Arlene, The Career Guru'. Much like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, Dr. Barro is a charismatic expert in her field. Dr. Barro gives her clients employment hope and specific behavioral modifications using her dynamic and empowering method of personal branding. Dr. Barro coached me to a successful career change following an unexpected and difficult job loss. She gave me the skills I needed to move from a 'woe is me mindset' to an 'I can and will take charge of my future'. The lady has a gift and she wants to share it!

Patti Thrailkill -- Independent Consultant

The Readers Digest version of my story is this. I had my standard functional resume out to companies and websites that were a direct fit for my background. Most of the time I received a stall, an automated ‘no thank you’, or no response at all. Then, I contacted Dr. Arlene Barro for her to work with me to create a branding package. I resubmitted my new branding package, which included more than a resume, to those same companies that had not responded to me. Then I received emails and phone calls expressing interest in me.  In the first 90-days, I had three final interviews and two offer letters. I was now in the driver seat of my own career again. I was afforded the rare luxury of cautiously choosing my next career. I credit this luxury to Dr. Arlene Barro’s Right Fit Method and learning how to build and present my personal brand.

C.M. "Mo" Blake III -- Sales Manager, Pacific Northwest District, Ricoh Legal

My company was in the process of being sold, and I just started interviewing when I met Dr. Arlene Barro. She helped me identify and focus on the criteria that were most important to me, which then became the blueprint of the Right Fit position. Open to relocation, I conducted a national search which generated several opportunities. I consulted with Dr. Arlene before and after each interview as I was traveling across the country.  She worked with me to identify and overcome objections and strategically follow up after the interviews, which lead to more than one job offer. I found a great job which is my Right Fit position and will continue to work with her to delineate my brand as I continue to grow as a senior executive.

Debra Wood, CPA, MBA, JD -- CFO, Truegreen Landcare

Once you truly understand branding and incorporate it into your resume and mindset, your job search and your results will start to change. Recently, I received the attention that I deserved from a potential employer. They focused on the unique words that were created to convey my brand and specialties that I had to offer. Through a series of discussions with Dr. Barro, I discovered and/or identified my key attributes and unique skills. With this information, I was able to develop my brand so that any potential employer would understand very quickly what I had to offer. Dr. Barro's unique approach has helped me to understand what I require from a potential employer. This approach will better ensure that both my future employer and I are a good fit for one another which will increase the chances for a good partnership and relationship.

Michael Conkey, CPA -- Vice President of Accounting & Finance, New Indy Containerboard, LLC

After a long career in one company and two years of retirement, my interviewing skills and brand awareness were poor.  Dr. Arlene asked the right questions and had the right advice and suggestions to help me create a brand that reflected my experience, skills, and desires. As well, Dr, Arlene’s book “WIN Without Competing!” and her coaching helped me to build the interviewing skill set necessary to manage the interview and to clearly and succinctly deliver my message and brand.  As a result, I was hired for a better and higher paying position than that for which I was initially interviewed. Without Dr. Arlene's mentoring, I would still be searching for a new position.

Stephen Snyder, MBA -- Financial Consultant, Health Care Service Corporation
Dr. Arlene Barro

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

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