Thursday, May 3, 2012

Visualize Your Success and Succeed

Visualize Your Success
and Succeed

In order to succeed in your job search, YOU must visualize yourself receiving the Right Fit Offer and accepting it. I believe that you need to spend more time imagining your success. It is that vision that will motivate you to sustain the relentless pursuit to achieve your goal.

Pause to Ponder
I have observed that many are undecided about what is the Right Fit Offer. If you have not created a blueprint of the Right Fit Job which would include the Right Fit Offer, YOU will not be able to visualize your success and succeed. If you have not created your blueprint, I suggest that you pause to ponder right now, and write that blueprint, as soon as possible. Then, you will be ready to plan your campaign.

Strategize to Succeed
After YOU are holding your blueprint in your hand, start to visualize your success. Then, create a written plan which will include the specific strategies and tasks that you will implement on a daily basis. But that's not enough! You must schedule your day to achieve results, such as finalizing your resume which includes your unique brand, scheduling an interview or staying in touch with your references.

Visualize Your Success to Succeed, Pause to Ponder, and Strategize to Succeed appear to be easy to do. They are not. Have you mastered my Right Fit Method which is the key to your career success? When you do, then you will be working with a roadmap and a toolbox of strategies. Ready to learn? Let's talk!

A Conversation with Dr. Arlene

Arrange a 45-minute or 60-minute conversation with Dr. Arlene to discuss her business or job search strategies including Create and Implement the Right Fit Blueprint, Interview without Resume or Introductionand to master the mindset of Manage the Process and the PickProbe, and Pitch broadcast. And of course, you must Master the Number ONE Blockbuster Business and Career Strategy for 2012! 

To arrange your conversation, call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277. You will receive her book WIN Without Competing!: Career Success the Right Fit Way. The appointment must be arranged on or before May 10th and take place before May 20th.

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