From age 10 onward, Jenner managed two identities. Finally, at age 65 after struggling with his identity for 55 years, Jenner had the confidence and courage to transition to Caitlyn.
The struggle to “become who you want to be” is a universal struggle. Everyone, at some point in their life, struggles with their personal and professional identity. Some are always struggling dissatisfied with their solutions. Others submerge the struggle because they are unable to figure out the Right Fit personal and professional life that would satisfy their needs and make them happy. These people will die unfulfilled.
Jenner beat the odds! He could have attempted suicide, which is not uncommon in the transgender community.
The critics try to distract us from the significance of what Jenner accomplished. They argue that he is not a woman because he did not have genital surgery. First of all, it is not advised to have genital surgery for at least one year after transition. We do not know what Caitlyn will do in the future. Moreover, according to the transgender community, this type of surgery is not required to be considered a transgender woman. Let’s focus on the significance of her accomplishment.
On July 15, 2015 Caitlyn Jenner will receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award in Los Angeles. Past winners include: Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, and Billie Jean King. Caitlyn Jenner will join this illustrious group.
Caitlyn Jenner became who she wanted to be. Her brand will continue to soar as she serves as a role model not just for the transgender community, but for everyone and anyone who is struggling with their identity.
To hear more listen to Caitlyn Jenner: A Billion Dollar Brand?
Become who you want to be!
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Dr. Arlene & barro global:
After holding high-level healthcare executive positions and making significant innovative contributions with global impact, Dr. Arlene entered the world of executive search and tested her Right Fit Method. She was setting the stage to become an entrepreneur.
In 2003, Dr. Arlene, creator of the Right Fit Method and Right Fit Branding Strategies, founded barro global search, inc. a retained executive search firm, to design innovative search solutions for corporate clients. After her book WIN Without Competing! was published, Dr. Arlene expanded the services of the firm, which now has three divisions.
Dr. Arlene, a behavioral educational psychologist, is a UCLA-trained PhD with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. Innovation, Contribution, and Impact characterize her career.
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Dr. Barro
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Dr. Arlene, business and career strategist, consults with clients coast-to-coast and places candidates globally.
Dr. Arlene Barro
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