Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fast Forward to January 2013!

Fast Forward to
January 2013!

Will you be hired, fired, or promoted by 2013?

It’s the season for firing, promoting, and hiring. If you think that your job is secure, think again. By the end of the year someone else could be sitting in your chair. 

What are you going to do to influence decisions about YOU?

If you are either employed or unemployed and searching for a new position, you should:
• accelerate your search targeting early to mid-January to start your new position. Do not allow the upcoming holiday season to distract you from forging ahead.

• evaluate your resume to determine whether you have a distinct, intriguing, and recognizable brand to attract the employers’ attention in a 30 second glance.

• assess your communication skills, including your ability to read between the lines, when speaking with employers and convincing employers to hire you. 
If you are employed, you should:

• not walk away from your job unless you have another position – goodbye packages do not last forever. Do not assume that you will capture the right fit job quickly.

• write a report detailing your accomplishments, not what you do. Focus on impact, results, and achievements for 2012. Submit that report as soon as possible to the person to whom you report and other key decision-makers. This report could help you retain your position as well as set the stage for a promotion.

• arrange a time to discuss your 2012 achievements with the person to whom you report. It’s very important to walk that person through the report and hear feedback on your performance. 
To succeed in capturing a job, you need a distinct, intriguing, and recognizable brand.

Keeping that job? Branding!

Promoting you to ____? Branding!

What is the secret to keeping that job and getting a promotion? Your reports detailing what you've achieved for your employer. Dr. Arlene created a highly effective method to report accomplishments. Email her to arrange a time to speak.

It’s all in the branding. The time to brand is now. 
Create a Recognizable Brand
Sell that Brand and Succeed
To arrange a time to speak with Dr. Arlene, call her office at 310-443-4277.
The last quarter of the year is the hiring and firing season and a great opportunity for a promotion. 

To learn more about distractors and objections, go to my new app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire which includes a video and questionnaire, listen to my radio show WIN Without Competing! and subscribe to my newsletter. Be sure to follow me on TwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook.
Clients' Praise for Dr. Arlene
Dr. Arlene Barro is a breath of fresh air in today’s tumultuous job market.  Dr. Barro should have her own nationally broadcasted program: 'Dr. Arlene, The Career Guru'. Much like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, Dr. Barro is a charismatic expert in her field. Dr. Barro gives her clients employment hope and specific behavioral modifications using her dynamic and empowering method of personal branding. Dr. Barro coached me to a successful career change following an unexpected and difficult job loss. She gave me the skills I needed to move from a 'woe is me mindset' to an 'I can and will take charge of my future'. The lady has a gift and she wants to share it!

Patti Thrailkill -- Independent Consultant

The Readers Digest version of my story is this. I had my standard functional resume out to companies and websites that were a direct fit for my background. Most of the time I received a stall, an automated ‘no thank you’, or no response at all. Then, I contacted Dr. Arlene Barro for her to work with me to create a branding package. I resubmitted my new branding package, which included more than a resume, to those same companies that had not responded to me. Then I received emails and phone calls expressing interest in me.  In the first 90-days, I had three final interviews and two offer letters. I was now in the driver seat of my own career again. I was afforded the rare luxury of cautiously choosing my next career. I credit this luxury to Dr. Arlene Barro’s Right Fit Method and learning how to build and present my personal brand.

C.M. "Mo" Blake III -- Sales Manager, Pacific Northwest District, Ricoh Legal

My company was in the process of being sold, and I just started interviewing when I met Dr. Arlene Barro. She helped me identify and focus on the criteria that were most important to me, which then became the blueprint of the Right Fit position. Open to relocation, I conducted a national search which generated several opportunities. I consulted with Dr. Arlene before and after each interview as I was traveling across the country.  She worked with me to identify and overcome objections and strategically follow up after the interviews, which lead to more than one job offer. I found a great job which is my Right Fit position and will continue to work with her to delineate my brand as I continue to grow as a senior executive.

Debra Wood, CPA, MBA, JD -- CFO, Truegreen Landcare

Once you truly understand branding and incorporate it into your resume and mindset, your job search and your results will start to change. Recently, I received the attention that I deserved from a potential employer. They focused on the unique words that were created to convey my brand and specialties that I had to offer. Through a series of discussions with Dr. Barro, I discovered and/or identified my key attributes and unique skills. With this information, I was able to develop my brand so that any potential employer would understand very quickly what I had to offer. Dr. Barro's unique approach has helped me to understand what I require from a potential employer. This approach will better ensure that both my future employer and I are a good fit for one another which will increase the chances for a good partnership and relationship.

Michael Conkey, CPA -- Vice President of Accounting & Finance, New Indy Containerboard, LLC

After a long career in one company and two years of retirement, my interviewing skills and brand awareness were poor.  Dr. Arlene asked the right questions and had the right advice and suggestions to help me create a brand that reflected my experience, skills, and desires. As well, Dr, Arlene’s book “WIN Without Competing!” and her coaching helped me to build the interviewing skill set necessary to manage the interview and to clearly and succinctly deliver my message and brand.  As a result, I was hired for a better and higher paying position than that for which I was initially interviewed. Without Dr. Arlene's mentoring, I would still be searching for a new position.

Stephen Snyder, MBA -- Financial Consultant, Health Care Service Corporation
Dr. Arlene Barro

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

On November 6th the Winner is...

Talk Show host Dr. Arlene Barro created her WIN Without Competing! show for candidates, employees, entrepreneurs and employers to learn about her Right Fit Method from her guest interviews.

On WIN Without Competing!, Dr. Arlene talks about the Obama and Romney brands and how they have changed during a year-long job interview extraordinaire. On November 6th, Obama could be rehired or fired; Romney, unemployed, could become president! Predictions?
Dr. Arlene wants you to win now. This last quarter of the year is the hiring and firing season and a great opportunity for a promotion. Searching for a new job? Think you might be downsized? Want a promotion? Dr. Arlene has the answers to these questions and more.
Before the show, Dr. Arlene recommends that you think about the effectiveness of your brand in capturing a new position. To do that, listen to her radio show Rate Your Brand or use Dr. Arlene’s app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire. Remember, if you don’t understand WHAT YOUR BRAND IS, you can’t sell it.

Listen now!

New name? Contest: Name the Wise Job-Seeking Cow!

I want to be sure that my new name is exactly right. Let me share my thoughts to guide you. I’m a famous video star! See me on YouTube below. But, what may you not know is that I’m featured in Dr. Arlene’s app iBrandU4Hire, used all over the world. Now I’m a global star. I fit right in at barro global search, inc. 

I heard Dr. Arlene say that I’m charming. That’s why she made me a star. I know that she doesn’t want me to get a swelled head. Didn’t she notice? I’m a cow! My head is naturally big. I need a big name. Maybe I need to be a judge in my own contest. What do you think? That’s enough about me for now. 

Be sure to enter the Contest: Name the Wise Job-Seeking Cow
Deadline: Monday, October 22nd at 6pm PT

I can’t wait to hear my new name! 

Talk to you soon! 
The Wise Job-Seeking Cow :)

Dr. Arlene Barro: iBrandU4Hire
Branding & Hiring Expert
Master coach who brands clients from coast to coast.
Mantra: WIN Without Competing!

Dr. Arlene Barro is a UCLA-trained behavioral educational psychologist. She holds a Ph.D. with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. The Right Fit Method, which Dr. Arlene created, is the focus of her book WIN Without Competing!, nominated for a business book award. The book mentors job seekers on how to present themselves as the One Right Fit to employers. To do that, they must create their personal brand and master the Right Fit Branding strategies. To motivate job seekers to recognize the importance of their brand and whether it’s effective in their job search, Dr. Arlene developed the app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire.

Branding & Hiring Expert Dr. Arlene Barro is an author, talk show host, master business and career coach, professional motivational speaker, and CEO of barro global search, inc. 

Dr. Arlene Barro 310-443-4277

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. 
Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell at, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Winning Advice from a Wise Job-Seeking Cow

The Big Day: On November 4th, Obama could be rehired or fired; Romney, unemployed, could become president! On WIN Without Competing, Dr. Arlene’s radio show, she will talk about how the Obama and Romney brands have changed during a year-long job interview extraordinaire. What can you learn from watching them?

I know that Dr. Arlene wants you to win now. She told me that this last quarter of the year is the hiring and firing season and a great opportunity for a promotion. Searching for a new job? Think you might be downsized? Want a promotion? Dr. Arlene has the answers to these questions and more. 

Before the show, Dr. Arlene recommends that you think about the effectiveness of your brand in capturing a new position. To do that, listen to her radio show Rate Your Brand ( or use Dr. Arlene’s app iBrandU4Hire:Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire. Remember, if you don’t understand WHAT YOUR BRAND IS, you can’t sell it.

Please join me on Wednesday, October 17th at 5pm PT. ( At Dr. Arlene’s request, I will be listening live while I’m having dinner. If you miss it, just click on the same link and enjoy the podcast. 

P.S. Be sure to enter the Contest: Name the Wise Job-Seeking Cow!
Deadline: Monday, October 22nd at 6pm PT

I can’t wait to hear my new name! 

Talk to you soon! 
The Wise Job-Seeking Cow :)

Dr. Arlene Barro: iBrandU4Hire
Branding & Hiring Expert
Master coach who brands clients from coast to coast.
Mantra: WIN Without Competing!

Dr. Arlene Barro is a UCLA-trained behavioral educational psychologist. She holds a Ph.D. with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. The Right Fit Method, which Dr. Arlene created, is the focus of her book WIN Without Competing!, nominated for a business book award. The book mentors job seekers on how to present themselves as the One Right Fit to employers. To do that, they must create their personal brand and master the Right Fit Branding strategies. To motivate job seekers to recognize the importance of their brand and whether it’s effective in their job search, Dr. Arlene developed the app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire.

Branding & Hiring Expert Dr. Arlene Barro is an author, talk show host, master business and career coach, professional motivational speaker, and CEO of barro global search, inc. 

Dr. Arlene Barro 310-443-4277

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. 
Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell at, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Born a Brand: Dr. Arlene meets Alexandre Renoir

Born a Brand:
Dr. Arlene meets Alexandre Renoir
I love to watch the building of name brands. I first met Alexandre Renoir, the great grandson of Pierre-Auguste Renoir, more than a year ago at a Beverly Hills art gallery on Rodeo Drive. This was a big night for Alex. A grand opening -- his paintings were on display in a gallery with a global presence. The guests surrounded Alex, who was dressed in a short-sleeve Hawaiian style brightly-colored flowered shirt. 

On Saturday, October 12th, I met Alex again at the same gallery. I immediately told him how wonderful he looked. He had dropped between 30 or 40 pounds and was stylishly dressed in a suit. I saw a transformation both in how he looked and how he painted. The prices on the paintings had escalated dramatically, reflecting the caliber of his recent work. 

As a child, Alex hated the fact that he had a famous last name. He grew up surrounded with constant reminders of “the Renoir”, including a bookcase which contained 500 books about his great grandfather. Instead of using his brand name to his advantage, he wanted to escape from it. Six years ago, after having many jobs, Alex decided to devote himself to painting. Alexandre Renoir is 38 years old. Finally, he separated himself from his great grandfather and found his own brand. 
It’s rare to be born with a brand name, especially a mega brand name like Renoir. But, you must have a brand, not necessarily a name brand.
To succeed in capturing a job, you need a distinct, intriguing, and recognizable brand.
Keeping that job? Branding!
Promoting you to ____? Branding!
It’s all in the branding. The time to brand is now. 

Create a Recognizable Brand
Sell that Brand and Succeed
To arrange a time to speak with Dr. Arlene, call her office at 310-443-4277.
The last quarter of the year is the hiring and firing season and a great opportunity for a promotion. 
Clients' Praise for Dr. Arlene
Dr. Arlene Barro is a breath of fresh air in today’s tumultuous job market.  Dr. Barro should have her own nationally broadcasted program: 'Dr. Arlene, The Career Guru'. Much like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, Dr. Barro is a charismatic expert in her field. Dr. Barro gives her clients employment hope and specific behavioral modifications using her dynamic and empowering method of personal branding. Dr. Barro coached me to a successful career change following an unexpected and difficult job loss. She gave me the skills I needed to move from a 'woe is me mindset' to an 'I can and will take charge of my future'. The lady has a gift and she wants to share it!

Patti Thrailkill -- Independent Consultant

The Readers Digest version of my story is this. I had my standard functional resume out to companies and websites that were a direct fit for my background. Most of the time I received a stall, an automated ‘no thank you’, or no response at all. Then, I contacted Dr. Arlene Barro for her to work with me to create a branding package. I resubmitted my new branding package, which included more than a resume, to those same companies that had not responded to me. Then I received emails and phone calls expressing interest in me.  In the first 90-days, I had three final interviews and two offer letters. I was now in the driver seat of my own career again. I was afforded the rare luxury of cautiously choosing my next career. I credit this luxury to Dr. Arlene Barro’s Right Fit Method and learning how to build and present my personal brand.

C.M. "Mo" Blake III -- Sales Manager, Pacific Northwest District, Ricoh Legal

My company was in the process of being sold, and I just started interviewing when I met Dr. Arlene Barro. She helped me identify and focus on the criteria that were most important to me, which then became the blueprint of the Right Fit position. Open to relocation, I conducted a national search which generated several opportunities. I consulted with Dr. Arlene before and after each interview as I was traveling across the country.  She worked with me to identify and overcome objections and strategically follow up after the interviews, which lead to more than one job offer. I found a great job which is my Right Fit position and will continue to work with her to delineate my brand as I continue to grow as a senior executive.

Debra Wood, CPA, MBA, JD -- CFO, Truegreen Landcare

Once you truly understand branding and incorporate it into your resume and mindset, your job search and your results will start to change. Recently, I received the attention that I deserved from a potential employer. They focused on the unique words that were created to convey my brand and specialties that I had to offer. Through a series of discussions with Dr. Barro, I discovered and/or identified my key attributes and unique skills. With this information, I was able to develop my brand so that any potential employer would understand very quickly what I had to offer. Dr. Barro's unique approach has helped me to understand what I require from a potential employer. This approach will better ensure that both my future employer and I are a good fit for one another which will increase the chances for a good partnership and relationship.

Michael Conkey, CPA -- Vice President of Accounting & Finance, New Indy Containerboard, LLC

After a long career in one company and two years of retirement, my interviewing skills and brand awareness were poor.  Dr. Arlene asked the right questions and had the right advice and suggestions to help me create a brand that reflected my experience, skills, and desires. As well, Dr, Arlene’s book “WIN Without Competing!” and her coaching helped me to build the interviewing skill set necessary to manage the interview and to clearly and succinctly deliver my message and brand.  As a result, I was hired for a better and higher paying position than that for which I was initially interviewed. Without Dr. Arlene's mentoring, I would still be searching for a new position.

Stephen Snyder, MBA -- Financial Consultant, Health Care Service Corporation
Dr. Arlene Barro

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your Resumes and Interviews are ads! Do they work?

Your Resumes and Interviews are ads! Do they work?
Does your resume work?
I look at lots of resumes, bios, and business websites. Some resumes are making me dizzy. I am so distracted by extraneous information, charts, and unusual layouts, I don’t know what to read. It's clear to me that these resumes are not working. What's missing is a cohesive brand.
If you know that your resume has not been an effective ad in capturing a new position, I suggest that you email the resume to me. I will review the first 10 resumes that I receive and give you feedback. I must receive your resume no later than Tuesday, October 16th at 6PM PT.

Help is an email away!
Dr. Arlene
What is the effectiveness of your interviews? Find out at my Teleseminar How to Become the Flawless Fit! and on my October 17th radio show.
Clients' Praise for Dr. Arlene
Dr. Arlene Barro is a breath of fresh air in today’s tumultuous job market.  Dr. Barro should have her own nationally broadcasted program: 'Dr. Arlene, The Career Guru'. Much like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, Dr. Barro is a charismatic expert in her field. Dr. Barro gives her clients employment hope and specific behavioral modifications using her dynamic and empowering method of personal branding. Dr. Barro coached me to a successful career change following an unexpected and difficult job loss. She gave me the skills I needed to move from a 'woe is me mindset' to an 'I can and will take charge of my future'. The lady has a gift and she wants to share it!

Patti Thrailkill -- Independent Consultant

The Readers Digest version of my story is this. I had my standard functional resume out to companies and websites that were a direct fit for my background. Most of the time I received a stall, an automated ‘no thank you’, or no response at all. Then, I contacted Dr. Arlene Barro for her to work with me to create a branding package. I resubmitted my new branding package, which included more than a resume, to those same companies that had not responded to me. Then I received emails and phone calls expressing interest in me.  In the first 90-days, I had three final interviews and two offer letters. I was now in the driver seat of my own career again. I was afforded the rare luxury of cautiously choosing my next career. I credit this luxury to Dr. Arlene Barro’s Right Fit Method and learning how to build and present my personal brand.

C.M. "Mo" Blake III -- Sales Manager, Pacific Northwest District, Ricoh Legal

My company was in the process of being sold, and I just started interviewing when I met Dr. Arlene Barro. She helped me identify and focus on the criteria that were most important to me, which then became the blueprint of the Right Fit position. Open to relocation, I conducted a national search which generated several opportunities. I consulted with Dr. Arlene before and after each interview as I was traveling across the country.  She worked with me to identify and overcome objections and strategically follow up after the interviews, which lead to more than one job offer. I found a great job which is my Right Fit position and will continue to work with her to delineate my brand as I continue to grow as a senior executive.

Debra Wood, CPA, MBA, JD -- CFO, Truegreen Landcare

Once you truly understand branding and incorporate it into your resume and mindset, your job search and your results will start to change. Recently, I received the attention that I deserved from a potential employer. They focused on the unique words that were created to convey my brand and specialties that I had to offer. Through a series of discussions with Dr. Barro, I discovered and/or identified my key attributes and unique skills. With this information, I was able to develop my brand so that any potential employer would understand very quickly what I had to offer. Dr. Barro's unique approach has helped me to understand what I require from a potential employer. This approach will better ensure that both my future employer and I are a good fit for one another which will increase the chances for a good partnership and relationship.

Michael Conkey, CPA -- Vice President of Accounting & Finance, New Indy Containerboard, LLC

After a long career in one company and two years of retirement, my interviewing skills and brand awareness were poor.  Dr. Arlene asked the right questions and had the right advice and suggestions to help me create a brand that reflected my experience, skills, and desires. As well, Dr, Arlene’s book “WIN Without Competing!” and her coaching helped me to build the interviewing skill set necessary to manage the interview and to clearly and succinctly deliver my message and brand.  As a result, I was hired for a better and higher paying position than that for which I was initially interviewed. Without Dr. Arlene's mentoring, I would still be searching for a new position.

Stephen Snyder, MBA -- Financial Consultant, Health Care Service Corporation
Dr. Arlene Barro

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Contest: Name the Wise Job-Seeking Cow! WINNER will...

Contest: Name the Wise Job-Seeking Cow!
The Wise Job-Seeking Cow says, “Name Me”

I live on a beautiful farm in Southern California. I met Dr. Arlene recently when she selected me to star in her video iBrandU4Hire. I heard the farm manager tell Dr. Arlene my name. Ugh! I don’t like my name. I need a classy lady’s name befitting an award-winning wise cow who wants to brand herself. Remember, I’m looking for a job. I want my name to stand out! Who can forget the name “Ivanka”? Yes, it’s memorable but doesn’t suit me. Can you name me?
Contest: Name the Wise Job-Seeking Cow!

Deadline for Submission: Monday, October 22nd at 6pm PT

1. The name of the Wise Job-Seeking Cow. Then, explain in one or two sentences why that name is the Right Fit for her. Be sure to watch the video iBrandU4Hire to learn more about the cow before you select her name and explain why the name suits her. 
2. State your name and provide your cell phone number.
3. Include your current title, indicate whether you’re an employee, entrepreneur, or independent contractor. If you’re unemployed, include the length of time and what you do.
4. Share a memorable event in your career. For example, getting an unexpected promotion, experiencing a sudden career change, and turning a negative event into a career success story. Please respond in 175 words or less. Responding to this is optional. 

The winner will receive:
• Dr. Arlene’s book WIN Without Competing!
• 30 minutes of coaching including branding advice from Dr. Arlene 
• An opportunity to interview for a guest appearance on Dr. Arlene’s radio show WIN Without Competing!
Note: If you are the winner, in order to be considered for the radio show, you must have responded to question 4. 
Judging Your Submission
80% for matching the Right Fit name to the wise job-seeking cow and your explanation for picking that name. 
20% on the uniqueness of your memorable
career event. 
• Dr. Arlene Barro, Branding & Hiring Expert, Author, CEO of barro global search, inc. 
• Virgil Holder, Senior Director and Human Resources Business Partner --Piedmont Henry Hospital -- Atlanta GA
• Marissa Frykman, Managing Editor of Communications, barro global search, inc. 
Questions? Submit your questions  
Dr. Arlene Barro

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Convince Employers to Hire YOU: Event

Convince Employers to Hire YOU

The last quarter of the year is the hiring season. Accelerate your job search to succeed. Learn how to convince employers to hire YOU.

How to Become the Flawless Fit!
Call-In and listen to 
Dr. Arlene Barro’s Teleseminar

In an employers’ marketplace you must be the Flawless Fit at interviews to capture the position you want. To succeed in your noble quest, eliminate distractors and objections during your interviews. 

What are these distractors and objections? How can I eliminate them and get the job offer that I want? 
Register for Dr. Arlene’s Teleseminar and find out. Use those strategies right after the teleseminar. You can WIN Without Competing!

Three dates and times to accommodate differences in geographical location and preferences:

Date: Tuesday, October 9th Time: 11am-12:15pm PT
Registration Date: on or before Monday, October 8th at 4pm PT


Date: Wednesday, October 10th Time: 12pm-1:15pm PTRegistration Date: on or before Tuesday, October 9th at 4pm PT


Date: Friday, October 12th Time: 1pm-2:15pm PTRegistration Date: on or before Thursday, October 11th at 4pm PT

NOTE: Space is limited. Register early. Register now.
You will receive via email the call-in telephone number and instructions after you register for the teleseminar.

Cost: $18.00
Includes Dr. Arlene's gift, The Flawless Fit Checklist, an interactive tool to help you master the essentials of becoming the Flawless Fit. This will be emailed, after you register, for you to work on during the teleseminar.

Payments are due on or before the registration date.

After you pay on PayPal, forward your PayPal receipt Be sure to provide your call-in telephone number and selected teleseminar date.

NOTE: To prepare for the teleseminar, Dr. Arlene recommends that you: 

Questions? Call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277 or email her assistant Marissa at
Dr. Arlene Barro

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Branding Advice from a Wise Job-Seeking Cow

A note from a Wise Job-Seeking Cow:

Look what happened at the debate. I watched to learn how to brand myself. Romney’s performance set a good example for me. Obama’s did not. I need help with my branding. I want to get a job and be a winner.

I think I’ll call-in and listen to Dr. Arlene’s Teleseminar How to Become the Flawless Fit!. Please register now and join me on:

Tuesday, October 9th from 11am-12:15pm PT


Wednesday, October 10th from 12pm-1:15pm PT


Friday, October 12th from 1pm-2:15pm PT

I may listen to it three times to be sure I get it. In the meantime, I’m going to use Dr. Arlene’s app to evaluate my brand. To do that, visit the app store and download her app. If you do not have an “iDevice”, Dr. Arlene has a solution.

To listen and learn more about me, watch my video: iBrandU4Hire.

Talk to you soon! 
The Wise Job-Seeking Cow :)

Dr. Arlene Barro: iBrandU4Hire
Branding & Hiring Expert
Master coach who brands clients from coast to coast. 
Mantra: WIN Without Competing!

Dr. Arlene Barro is a UCLA-trained behavioral educational psychologist. She holds a Ph.D. with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. The Right Fit Method, which Dr. Arlene created, is the focus of her book WIN Without Competing!, nominated for a business book award. The book mentors job seekers on how to present themselves as the One Right Fit to employers. To do that, they must create their personal brand and master the Right Fit Branding strategies. To motivate job seekers to recognize the importance of their brand and whether it’s effective in their job search, Dr. Arlene developed the app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire.

Branding & Hiring Expert Dr. Arlene Barro is an author, talk show host, master business and career coach, professional motivational speaker, and CEO of barro global search, inc.

Dr. Arlene Barro 310-443-4277

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. 
Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Romney Emerges: Obama Retreats -- Does he want to win Election 2012?

Romney Emerges: Obama Retreats – Does he want to win Election 2012?

Who is the real Romney? Who is the real Obama?

The first debate revealed two new personalities. Romney was presidential, dynamic, and passionate. He demonstrated his knowledge of the issues exuding confidence and conviction. He presented his own presidential brand.

Obama, on the other hand, retreated into the shadows allowing Romney to take charge. He cowered in the corner like a child not looking at Romney, bowing his head, and grinning. Obama looked as if he finally realized that he had a serious presidential contender. That apparently frightened him. Did he believe, prior to the debate, that there was no contest between him and Romney? If so, was he suddenly surprised to meet his contender face-to-face after battering him with attack ads for months?

Is the real Romney the debater? If so, he is ready to walk into the White House.

Is the real Obama the debater? If so, he needs to return to the White House and start packing.

We cannot have a president who crumbles under pressure. Is that what’s happening now in the White House?

Note to Job Seekers: If you had been at a corporate job interview, performing as Obama did during the debate, you would no longer be under consideration for the position. In the same situation, Romney could have been hired.  

Dr. Arlene Barro: iBrandU4Hire
Branding & Hiring Expert
Master coach who brands clients from coast to coast. 
Mantra: WIN Without Competing!

Dr. Arlene Barro is a UCLA-trained behavioral educational psychologist. She holds a Ph.D. with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. The Right Fit Method, which Dr. Arlene created, is the focus of her book WIN Without Competing!, nominated for a business book award. The book mentors job seekers on how to present themselves as the One Right Fit to employers. To do that, they must create their personal brand and master the Right Fit Branding strategies. To motivate job seekers to recognize the importance of their brand and whether it’s effective in their job search, Dr. Arlene developed the app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire.

Branding & Hiring Expert Dr. Arlene Barro is an author, talk show host, master business and career coach, professional motivational speaker, and CEO of barro global search, inc. 

Dr. Arlene Barro 310-443-4277

barro global search, inc.
10940 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obama & Romney: Debate or Brawl? Winner is...

Obama & Romney: Debate or Brawl? Winner is...

Job Interview Extraordinaire 

If the Wednesday night debate, which focuses on domestic policy, turns into a brawl and the presidential candidates become attack dogs poised to bludgeon, they will both lose points. Here’s the winning strategy for both candidates. Yes, the same strategy. The question is who can execute that strategy to set a presidential standard to impress our voters and world leaders. 

• The slogans for both candidates need to be changed: Obama’s should be “Fast Forward” not “Forward” and Romney’s should be “Right Results” not a “Stronger Middle Class.” Why? Obama is asking us to proceed with him on the same course as the last four years, which contains many voter objections about his domestic policy accomplishments. Many see Romney as not representing all people. He reinforces that image with his “middle class” slogan coupled with his 47% remark. 

• Obama must walk us through the next four years with detailed plans on how he will remedy unemployment and the sluggish economic growth, targeting achievable results in which we can believe. Explaining what he will do to build relationships with Congress is critical in order to enact new plans. 

• Romney must convince us that he can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. He must communicate his plans and projected results with passion, determination, and commitment. We must visualize his success, including the strategies he will use to build relationships with Congress. 

Distractors, posed by either candidate, serve no purpose other than possibly rattling the other candidate. That strategy is a mistake. The clever debater should insert the knife with a velvet glove and a silver tongue. Voila! No physical pain and much to gain.

The pundits have presided over post mortems of Obama’s last four years and Romney’s political and corporate careers. The debate must focus on the next four years, not the past.

Fifty million people are expected to watch the debate. The pundits tell us that voters fall into two categories: those that focus on the likeability of a candidate and others who concentrate on how a candidate will handle the urgent issues. Likeability, unfortunately, will not predict the performance of our next president. We need a leader in whom we can trust to meet and even exceed our expectations. Each of us will decide who the winner is. 

A final word to both presidential candidates: focus on the end result, not your ego. Measured and succinct is the name of the game.

Note to Job Seekers: Watch the presidential debate to learn what to do and not do at an interview. Remember how they handle distractors and objections! At the end of the debate, you should know the essence of what each candidate will achieve in the next four years and how they will do it. At your own job interviews, remember Obama and Romney. 
Go to Dr. Arlene’s new app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire which includes a video (view it on YouTube) and questionnaire and listen to Dr. Arlene’s radio show WIN Without Competing!.
Dr. Arlene Barro

barro global search, inc. 
10940 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Email Jennifer Orell, American Entertainment International (AEI) Speakers Bureau, or call her at 617-782-3111 Ext. 118.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Screenshots from App & Video: iBrandU4Hire

Screenshot from App -- iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire

 Screenshot from App -- iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire

 Screenshot from App -- iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire

 Screenshot from Video -- iBrandU4Hire